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What are you thinking? (Part Deux) by Charlie Greer

You wouldn't worry what people think of you if you knew how seldom they did.

by Charlie Greer

After editing "Part One" of this article into the tight, well written little piece that it is, I was left with a lot of material that didn't necessarily fit, was was still very good. Rather than throw it away, I've decided to offer it to you as, "Part Deux." You'll find quite a bit of it to be light hearted and all of it to be worth reading. Enjoy!

Several years ago, the National Science Foundation put out some very interesting statistics. We think a thousand thoughts per hour. When we write, we think twenty-five hundred thoughts in an hour and a half. The average person thinks about twelve thousand thoughts per day. A deeper thinker, according to this report, puts forth fifty thousand thoughts daily.

Imagine that, fifty per cent of the time, we are positive in our thinking. For many, that still means twenty-five thousand negative thoughts are being programmed every day, along with the consequent negative realities that are created by them.

Watch your thoughts-- they are blueprints for actions. A great deal of what we see depends on what we're looking for. Ugly thoughts make ugly faces.

What we believe to be true and think about consistently is mirrored back to us in our experience.

It is important that we review our thoughts each day. Many of us are not aware of how much we actually think or how negative our attitudes might be. We must not let our thoughts take charge of us.

Positive thinking is the only way to produce positive results.

The most important things in life are not things. Joy is not in things; it is in us. We act as though comfort and luxury were the chief requirements of life, when all we need to make us happy is something to be enthusiastic about. The need is not for more money, less disease, etc., but to change one's way of thinking.

You are only poor when you want more than you have. Poverty is a state of mind, and it's caused by a neighbor's new car.

It is better to be short of cash than to be short of character. A poor man can be happy, but a happy man isn't poor. The happiest people are those who discover that what they should be doing and what they are doing are the same things.

Be like the optimist who, instead of feeling sorry he cannot pay his bills, is glad he is not one of his creditors.

Think you've been short-changed? Consider yourself poor? Just think how happy you would be if you lost everything you now have, then suddenly got it back.

An Italian proverb that states that "Illness tells us what we are."

And then, just when we learn to take things with a grain of salt-- the doctor puts us on a salt-free diet. By the way, "virus" is a Latin word used by doctors to mean, "Your guess is as good as mine."

Ulcers are not caused so much by what you eat as by what you allow to eat you. Ulcers are a direct result of mountain climbing over molehills. Worry is the advance interest you pay on troubles that seldom come.

A back-ache is man's greatest labor saving device. Speaking of backs, most trouble is caused by too much bone in the head and not enough in the back. And some people have a giant's brain and a midget's backbone.

In most cases, IQ is less a factor in a person's success than I WILL. Some people pray for more than they are willing to work for.

An open mind is fine-- but be careful what you shovel into it. Be bold in what you stand for, be careful what you fall for.

May you never complain without cause and may you never have cause to complain.

Unless we find beauty and happiness in our own backyards, we will never find them in the mountains.

Life is often what happens while you're making other plans.

Be what you desire.

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